About Us

Hi! I’m Emily, and I’m the crazy lady behind Define Boutique!!

I’m a wife, a mom, a Christian, and an entrepreneur, among many other things. Our oldest is an LPN, and we are so proud of her! Our youngest just finished his first year of college and plays college baseball. He’s having a great time and loves it! He’s also a legacy – the third generation of our family to attend this college!

We live in Small Town, USA for sure!!! We love the fact that we have been successful in our hometown and can contribute to our small town in so many ways. I just love that we know almost everyone who comes into our store. And if we aren’t friends when they come in, we sure are when they go out!

We have such a great support system from our local customers and friends and feel so very blessed. My husband and I have owned several businesses over our 25 years of marriage, but this one is my favorite!  It combined my love of shopping, talking to people, and serving others all into one! 

I manage all the retail and online side of our business. My husband works our production – we do screen printing, embroidery, vinyl, direct to garment, banners, signs, and MUCH more in-house. We also have an incredible group of ladies who have been with us for years that we are so very grateful for!

Fun fact: I started this business with less than $300! I bought some jewelry to sell at our children’s consignment event to make money to pay our babysitter, and it evolved into more than I ever dreamed. I sold jewelry and purses for about five years before I finally decided to get into clothing. I still don’t know why I waited so long, but here we are!

Thanks for checking us out! Enjoy your shopping!
